The Best Remortgage Deal is a Perfect Fit The best remortgage deal is a successful renegotiation of your present mortgage. A problem involving a mortgage loan that you realize you have a hard time paying off due to excessive interest rates can be solved by deciding on a remortgage loan to reduce the interest rates of the contract on your mortgage. You could choose to renegotiate the deal you signed with your present creditor, or you could talk to another creditor to see what kind of deal you can get. With a new creditor, you will be paying seven to eight percent in fees on the amount that you owed your previous creditor. The best remortgage deal allows you to generate funds quickly. A remortgage loan grants you smaller interest rates and a longer period of time to repay the loan by way of monthly installment payments. The money that you have can go to other things like stocking up on food supplies for the long haul, renovations on your house, or even on that week-end break yo...