Debt consolidation is a type of loan to pay off all the debts in the form of credit cards, debts and all other kinds of loans. It is over all other regular expenditures and to meet such expenditures, the specialized type of loan to pay off such expenses is called the Debt Consolidation Loan. It is a consolidation of all the loans, and thus the stress is less since payment of only one loan has to be considered after taking this loan. Such loans are granted at fixed interest rates, and the interest rates are considerably low for such loans, thus easing out further stress.
Such loans have another benefit of putting a check on the debts accumulated. This loan clears the entire loan on the credit cards and thus saves the high interest of loans on credit cards. Apart from this, once the loans are cleared the credit cards are cancelled so that the person is unable to take any further loans. It also improves the creditworthiness of the person over time by reducing the debt default.
Certain important points to be considered while taking a Debt Consolidation Loan include ascertaining the interest rate of such loan. In case the interest rate of existing loans is lower than that offered by the debt consolidation loan in UK, the interest rate of clearing loan would be higher in the longer run. The duration of such loan also needs to be fixed carefully so that the borrower does not pay higher interest because of a longer duration since more the duration; more is the interest paid.
Though various third party payday loans are available for this purpose, these loans usually attract a high-interest rate apart from having hidden costs attached to it. Thus, trusted loans from government, community or charitable lenders would be the preferred option.
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